2014 Greensboro Open Checker Tournament  
"Bill McClintock Memorial"

Saturday, April 26th, 2014
Econo Lodge Hotel, 2133 Hanford Rd, Burlington, NC 27215  (336) 227-1270 (
We play in Conference Room 247



Call - Teal Stanley (336)-215-7066,  JR Smith (336)-209-5656, or Mike Ross (336)214-4102
We will play 3-Move - five 2 game rounds (Swiss Style) of 1 hour & 30 minutes per round - 45 minute games
$20.00 entry fee |  Registration Opens: 8:15AM - Play begins 9:00AM - Lunch break after two rounds at 12:00AM
We resume play at 1:00PM, scheduled to finish at 5:00 PM.  Tim Laverty - Referee & Scorekeeper

http://www.nccheckers.org/NCCA/B%20McClintock.jpgBurlington Checker Club partners with North Carolina Checker Association to sponsor this one day tournament. We dedicate this tournament to the memory of Bill McClintock who was the sponsor/director of the Greensboro Open for many years. Mrs. Frances would prepare a delicious home cooked dinner.  We voted to add "Bill McClintock Memorial"  to the name of The Greensboro Open at the 2013 NCCA annual meeting making this a befitting tribute to a man who loved and supported North Carolina Checkers. We will play 3-Move, five two-game rounds (Swiss Style) of 1 hour and 30 minutes per round. Players take a 1 hour lunch break after two rounds and play three rounds after lunch. This is a sanctioned tournament by American Checker Federation with player ratings. The public is welcome and this tournament will bring together the best players in North Carolina and particularly the Triad, Greensboro, Lexington, Asheboro, Pittsboro, and Burlington areas. The tourney is an open format allowing anyone interested to register and compete. The highest finishing player will be recognized as the 2014 Greensboro Champion. Bring your own board & checkers. Tourney was announced in News-Record, GoTriad Scene Calendar under recreation.

Out of town accommodations are at Econo Lodge, (336) 227-1270 or (336) 223-9998 as well as our playing room on the 2nd floor. Use this email: econoNC415@yahoo.com Brian Durham, Mgr. Please asks for checker players special rates $42 (King or Double Queens) for Friday & Saturday, April 25th and 26th.  Make you reservation early and let the receptionist know you are a Checker Player for this rate.

Contacts: JR Smith 336-209-5656  • jrsmithnccheckers@gmail.com  |  Teal Stanley 336-215-7066  •  tstanley336@aol.com  |  Mike Ross 336-214-4219 • mross953@gmail.com